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Hip Kid Tested, Mommy Approved

Kid Reviews by some of the Hippest Kids around, mine. These are just a few of the things that my girls are into right now. Enjoy, comment and share what your hip kids find interesting.

Saw this on t.v. this morning and it is so cute and my girls love it. It was fun to watch before going to school.
Dragon Baby

This video has almost 4 million views in 2 days, that's amazing. Some of the other videos his dad made like Iron Baby, are good too but this one is the best.

If you haven't seen this video yet then you are living under a rock. Korean Pop sensation Psy has made YouTube history and set the World record for most views in history. Check it out

Gangnam Style-Psy

Five Fingers To The Face (Victorious)

This song stays in my head, so catchy

Arthur Opening Theme Song (Full Length)

Great song by Ziggy Marley

The Duck Song

Hey, Got any Grapes?


Anonymous said...

My younger son and daughter love the Elmo version of sexy and I know it . Its called Elmo and I know it.

Charlie Hendricks said...

That dragon baby video is awesome. Reminds me of a Halloween when the kids were trick-or-treating with their black lab and a monster was at the door and the monster got attacked by the dog. lol Nicest dog we've ever had.

Unknown said...

I know it is Charlie, thanks for the comment. Be sure to check back for more Kid Picks