Alright, it's Women in Business Wednesday and this week the topic is: Small Business Contracting Programs- Pass WOSB Sole Source Authority Amendment.
I'm a member of the Women in Public Policy and together Hip Mommy Chick and WIPP are asking for you help.
For over a decade we fought for a program that would help women do business with the world's largest consumer: the federal government. Now it is time to call upon Congress to ensure the success of women contractors.
Since its implementation in February of 2011, the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) program has faced challenges that prevent it from reaching its full potential. Last year, WIPP successfully sought the removal of dollar caps that hampered the program. Now we are seeking sole-source authority within the program to make it even more effective, and on par with other small business contracting programs.
Sole-source authority would allow contracting officers to directly award a contract to a women-owned small business through the WOSB program. For contracts awarded under sole-source authority, this would remove the enormous barrier of identifying multiple women-owned businesses to award a contract. All other small business contracting programs have this ability, so making this change is about fairness and parity, as much as it is about improving the program.
Amendment #183 by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA-14) to the FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act would do just that. We are asking that you send a message to your Representative urging them to pass the amendment. This is a critical step, and we need your help.
You can make a difference - take a few minutes to send a message to your legislator to Vote Yes for Amendment #183 - the WOSB Sole Source Authority Amendment!
WIPP Action Alert: Bring Parity to Small Business Contracting Programs - Pass WOSB Sole Source Authority Amendment
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