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Thrift Store Edition-Hip Mommy Chick Music Pick {Macklemore and Ryan Lewis}

Hip Mommy Chick Swap
This Saturday is a Hip Mommy Chicks Swap that will benefit a deserving charity. We will get together with our fab fashions and swap to our hearts content. All of the items not swapped will be used for a clothing drive and love donation to a shelter for women, children and families. 

Anne Taylor Grey Suede Sleeved Boots, $Free
Thrifty Swap SiStar
I am and have always been a thrifty (thrift store shopper) and Swap siStar. I have found beautiful purses from Liz Claiborne, boots from Anne Taylor and jackets and skirts from Benetton and so much more. Some of these items cost as little as $4 and some were completely free and never worn. If interested in learning more about the Swap and to RSVP go to the Hip Mommy Chicks Meetup  

Hip Mommy Music Pick/Thrift Store Theme Song
I have been listening to this song, Thrift Store by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis for about 4 months now and it is my theme song. This is F'n awesome!!! I gonna pop some tags, only got $20 in my pocket. This is also one of my Hip Mommy Music Picks as well so check it out.

Thrift Store by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

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