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Death at School: Parents Protest Dangerous Discipline for Autistic, Disabled Kids - ABC News Article

Image courtesy of Arvind Balaraman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
With Autism on the rise, about 1 in 88 children having been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. Thousands of Autistic and disabled schoolchildren have been injured or some have even died as a result of being restrained by poorly trained or negligent teachers and aides. 
Various techniques with no agreed upon national standard have been used from "taking" troubled children down, sitting on them, placing them in padded closets, handcuffing, to electric shock at certain schools. When should school officials step in and restrain children? What are the options for parents of autistic and disabled children when it comes to education?

I personally feel like, although the school officials may mean well. They will and can never love and care for my child the way that I would. Which is to be expected, they are not me. With that being said, I don't think that I would send my special needs child to school for others to care for and teach them. My family would have to make the sacrifice somehow and find a way to address the needs of our child.

Would you send your Autistic child to school? Especially with the knowledge that the school officials may employ the aforementioned methods of restraint.

By: Narjah Stewart for Hip Mommy Chick

Click on the link below for the full article from Nightline News

Death at School: Parents Protest Dangerous Discipline for Autistic, Disabled Kids - ABC News

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